Archives Press Release: Launch of the Logo of ‘Glimpses of India Festival’ in the India - China Year of Friendly Exchanges

Press Release: Launch of the Logo of ‘Glimpses of India Festival’ in the India - China Year of Friendly Exchanges

Press Release: Launch of the Logo of ‘Glimpses of India Festival’ in the India - China Year of Friendly Exchanges

1. Pursuant to the mutual understanding reached during the visit of the Chinese Premier Mr. Li Keqiang to India in May 2013 and that of Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh to China in October 2013, the year 2014 was designated as the India-China Year of Friendly Exchanges. As part of the Year of Friendly Exchanges, the Embassy of India in Beijing, along with the Consulates in Shanghai, Guangzhou and Hong Kong, are organizing the ‘Glimpses of India Festival’ in 12 cities in China. The Festival, sponsored by the Ministry of Culture of the Government of India, is being organized in collaboration with Chinese partner institutions.

2. The wide-ranging events showcase Indian performing arts, exhibitions of modern Indian art, visual and photographic exhibitions on Buddhist heritage of India and its links with China, food festivals, and film festivals, as well as events involving eminent Indian and Chinese scholars and writers. Business and tourism promotion events will also constitute key components of the Festival.

3. The colorful logo designed for the Glimpses of India Festival consists of a Kathakali and a Beijing Opera mask side by side. It has been chosen to depict the Indian and Chinese cultures that are shown to be seamlessly blending into one another, thus mirroring the long tradition of friendship and cooperation between the two countries. The left side of the logo is a Kathakali mask from the classical Indian dance tradition that originated in Kerala. The right part of the mask derives from world famous Beijing Opera - a vivid embodiment of Chinese performing art. While the Kathakali dance involves delicate use of hand and eye gestures to communicate, masks in Beijing Opera symbolize different characters and emotions. This convergence of elements from great art forms of the two countries reflects the centuries-old civilizational contacts between India and China. Encompassed within a circle, a symbol of perfection, and with Indian and Chinese colors and motifs symbolizing happiness and celebration, the logo represents the spirit of cooperation and harmony underlying the ‘Glimpses of India Festival’.

4. To mark the Year of Friendly Exchanges, India and China have planned a series of activities and exchanges during the course of the year, including high-level visits, bilateral dialogues, defence cooperation, engagements in the fields of trade and economy, and cultural, educational and people-to-people contacts. Several important exchanges have already been held earlier this year, including the Strategic Economic Dialogue and the Strategic Dialogue.

5. The ‘Glimpses of India Festival’ in China commences this month with an investment promotion seminar featuring the state of Maharashtra. This will be followed by dance performances in May by the renowned Chennai-based Kalakshetra Dance Troupe in Shanghai, Beijing and Chengdu. Indian food festivals will also be organized in Shanghai, Beijing Chengdu and Hong Kong in May. More activities will follow throughout the year.

April 24, 2014