Archives Press Release: Ambassador’s meeting with Party Secretary of CPC Qingdao Committee, Mr. Li Qun

Press Release: Ambassador’s meeting with Party Secretary of CPC Qingdao Committee, Mr. Li Qun

Press Release: Ambassador’s meeting with Party Secretary of CPC Qingdao Committee, Mr. Li Qun

Ambassador Ashok K Kantha met with Mr. Li Qun, Party Secretary of the CPC Qingdao Committee in Qingdao on 22 April 2014.

During the meeting, Mr. Li Qun stressed the need for China and India to enhance cooperation in the fields of trade, commerce, culture, tourism and people-to-people contacts. He said that Qingdao is keen to partner with India in a wide variety of areas during the 2014 India-China Year of Friendly Exchanges. In this regards, the Party Secretary welcomed the holding of a film festival, a food festival and a business event in Qingdao in July as part of the "Glimpses of India" festival and conveyed his support for the same.

Ambassador Kantha briefed Mr. Li Qun about recent developments in bilateral relations and thanked him for his continued attention to the growth of relations between Qingdao and India. He invited more Qingdao based companies to invest in India, including by utilizing the opportunities for setting up industrial parks in India.

Ambassador thanked Qingdao for hosting INS SHIVALIK that had come to participate in the Multilateral Maritime Exercise Scheduled on 24th April 2014 as part of the commemorative events to celebrate the 65th Anniversary of the establishment of the PLA Navy.

Both sides also exchanged views on establishing twinning relations between Qingdao and an appropriate Indian city.

The meeting was followed by a lunch hosted by Mr. Li Qun in honour of the Ambassador.

April 22, 2014