Archives Press Release: Glimpses of India Festival in Beijing

Press Release: Glimpses of India Festival in Beijing

Press Release: Glimpses of India Festival in Beijing

The “Glimpses of India Festival” in Beijing was inaugurated on 11th May 2014 with a cultural performance at the Beijing Poly Theater. Assistant Foreign Minister Mr. Liu Jianchao was the Guest of Honour on the occasion. Ambassador Ashok K. Kantha and Secretary Culture to the Government of India, Mr. Ravindara Singh made opening remarks at the opening. A second performance by the “Kalashetra” troupe was organized, subsequently, at Beijing’s prestigious Tsinghua University. Professor Chen Xu, Chairperson, University Academic Council delivered the welcome and opening remarks at the performance. Ambassador Ashok K. Kantha also addressed the student community on this occasion. Chennai based “Kalashetra” troupe regaled the Beijing audience with their exquisite ballets and dance-drama compositions, in “Bharatnatyam” style, narrating stories from India’s mythological and folk traditions. Over 1400 people from Beijing’s art, cultural, government, academic and educational circles attended Kalashetra’s Poly Theater performance. About 700 students were present the performance at the Tsinghua University. Students from the Renmin University attended in large numbers as well. Kalakshetra has nurtured generations of acclaimed artists in their distinctive dance style based on “Bharatanatyam”, “Carnatic” vocals, and traditional percussion and wind instruments such as “Mridangam” and “Flute”. Kalashetra has taken Indian classical performance traditions to the global audience for decades now. Kalashetra performance in Beijing comprised of (i) Kolakali (ii) Suppada (iii) Kirthanam (iv) Krishna Leela (v) Kalinga Narthanam (vi) Meenakshi Vijayam and (vii) Thillana. Earlier in the week, Festival of Indian Food commenced at the “Tadka” restaurant at Beijing Marriott. The yearlong Glimpses of India Festival will showcase a wide range of events including Indian performing art, visual and photographic exhibitions, Indian modern art, food festival, film festival as well as events involving eminent Indian & Chinese scholars & writers. Accomplished practioners of Yoga will travel to China to demonstrate traditional art of Yoga from India during the Glimpses of India festival. For updates on events as well as for tickets, please follow us on our Weibo at of India Beijing