Archives Press Release: Ambassador’s meeting with DG, FAO, Zhejiang Province, Mr. Jin Yonghui

Press Release: Ambassador’s meeting with DG, FAO, Zhejiang Province, Mr. Jin Yonghui

Press Release: Ambassador’s meeting with DG, FAO, Zhejiang Province, Mr. Jin Yonghui

Mr. Jin Yonghui, Director General, Foreign Affairs Office of Zhejiang province called on Ambassador Ashok K Kantha on 5 May 2014 in Beijing.

During the meeting, Mr. Jin Yonghui stressing the old cultural and commercial links between Zhejiang and India, urged the two countries to enhance cooperation in the fields of trade, commerce, culture, tourism and people-to-people contacts. He said that Zhejiang is keen to partner with India in a wide variety of areas during the 2014 India-China Year of Friendly Exchanges. In this regard, Mr. Jin welcomed the holding of a film festival, a food festival and a business event in Hangzhou, the provincial capital, as part of the "Glimpses of India" Festival.

Ambassador Kantha, while briefing Mr. Jin Yonghui about recent developments in bilateral relations, invited more Zhejiang based companies to invest in India, including by utilizing the opportunities for setting up industrial parks in India. Mr. Jin said that in recent years, relations between Zhejiang and India had made steady progress and added that Zhejiang provincial government remained committed to further strengthening its relations with India.

May 05, 2014