Archives Press Release: Glimpses of India function in Shanghai

Press Release: Glimpses of India function in Shanghai

Press Release: Glimpses of India function in Shanghai

The "Glimpses of India Festival" in China was inaugurated today by Mr. Ravindra Singh, Secretary Ministry of Culture, Government of India along with Mr Cai Wei, Vice Chairman of Shanghai Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) & Consul General of India in Shanghai Mr. Naveen Srivastava by lighting of a ceremonial Indian lamp portraying an auspicious start to the year-long celebrations.

Speaking on the occasion, India’s Vice Minister Mr Singh spoke of traditional warm and friendly relations shared by India and China based on historical and cultural linkages over centuries. He also mentioned that one of the main objectives of the Festival of India was to expand people to people contacts so as to enable better understanding each other’s culture, tradition and heritage. Consul General Mr Naveen Srivastava in his speech spoke about the ‘cultural ties’ being an enduring foundation in development of relations between India and China.

The inauguration was followed by a mesmerizing performance by Kalakshetra Repertory Company. The troupe performed dance drama based on scenes from Ramayana at the prestigious Shanghai Oriental Arts Center in Pudong, Shanghai. The Opera Hall of the Oriental Arts Center was packed with an audience of more than 1000 local Chinese residents who witnessed the fascinating performance. Senior leaders and officials from Shanghai, and provinces of Jiangsu and Zhejiang were also present for the performance.

Kalakshetra has produced and molded generations of acclaimed artists in a distinctive style. Kalakshetra focuses on bharatanatyam, carnatic vocal and instrumental music, the visual arts, traditional crafts and textile design, textual heritage, aesthetics, history and philosophy. The repertory from Kalakshetra foundation has presented worldwide a wide variety of dance-dramas, a range of authentic folk dances of India, the complete Bharata Natyam repertoire in solo and group forms, in traditional compositions and new works. The music ensemble has presented solo vocal and instrumental compositions, as well as group orchestral compositions for voice and instruments in various venues around the world.

The Kalakshetra repertory will be performing again tomorrow at the Shanghai Theater Center showcasing 7 dance acts bringing together some of India’s well-known historical folk dance forms. They range from festive and celebratory songs to songs that depict daily work, nature and the joys of simple living.

These performances will be followed by an Indian Food Festival next week in Shanghai. The year round festival would showcase a wide range of events including Indian performing art, visual and photographic exhibitions, Indian modern art, food festival, film festival as well as events involving eminent Indian & Chinese scholars & writers. We also plan to bring Yoga masters from India during Glimpses of India festival. For updates on events as well as for tickets, please follow us on our weibo

Pursuant to the mutual understanding reached during the visit of the Chinese Premier Mr. Li Keqiang to India in May 2013 and that of Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh to China in October 2013, the year 2014 was designated as the India-China Year of Friendly Exchanges. As part of the Year of Friendly Exchanges, the Embassy of India in Beijing, along with the Consulates in Shanghai, Guangzhou and Hong Kong, are organizing the ‘Glimpses of India Festival’ in 12 cities in China.