Archives PRESS RELEASE : 18th Investment and Trade Forum for Cooperation between East and West China and the Silk Road Expo

PRESS RELEASE : 18th Investment and Trade Forum for Cooperation between East and West China and the Silk Road Expo

PRESS RELEASE : 18th Investment and Trade Forum for Cooperation between East and West China and the Silk Road Expo

The Embassy participated in the 18th Investment and Trade Forum for Cooperation between East and West China and the Silk Road Expo in Xi'an from 23-25 May. A delegation led by Ambassador Ashok Kantha was in Xi'an to take part in activities associated with India's participation. A country pavillion to showcase India forms part of the International Pavillion at the Expo.

A forum on "Investing in India" attended by close to 100 Chinese companies based in Shaanxi was organized in the afternoon of 23rd May. The seminar was organized in collaboration with the China Council for Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT) and CCPIT's Shaanxi Sub-Council.

Ambassador delivered the keynote speech during which he drew attention to the vast potential for commercial cooperation and the specific opportunities that await Chinese companies in India. He highlighted synergies under infrastructure, manufacturing, tourism and urbanization. He emphasized that these will be priority areas for the new incoming Government that could yield many collaborative possibilities for companies on both sides. Ms. Li Dongyu, Vice Chairman of the CPPCC Shaanxi also spoke on the occasion calling for greater cooperation between Shaanxi and India and introducing the economy of Shaanxi. This was followed up by detailed presentations by the Embassy's Commercial Counsellor, CII Representative and other company and Chinese representatives.

The Embassy hosted a cultural evening called "Flavors of India" following the seminar at the lively Tang West Market in Xi'an. The evening included promotion of Indian wine from the vineyards of Nandi Hills in Karnataka and promotion of Indian black tea from the world famous tea gardens of Darjeeling and Assam. Mr. Zhang Wei, Vice Chairman of CCPIT was the Chief Guest representing the Chinese side. Around 120 prominent citizens of Xi'an drawn from different walks of life including education, media, business, culture and government attended the evening festivities. Ambassador in his brief remarks recalled the special place Xi'an enjoys in the age-old links between the Indian and Chinese civilizations. Such links are anchored in a history of cultural and commercial exchanges that traversed the silk route and included the exchange of famous Buddhist scholars like Xuan Zang and Fa Xian from China and Kumarajiva from India.

Ambassador Kantha also met Vice Governor of Shaanxi Mr. Bai Aying separately during which they discussed further expanding cooperation between Shaanxi and India. Ambassador invited a high-level delegation from Shaanxi to visit India. Vice Governor Bai offered the full support of Shaanxi Provincial Government for holding activities under the Glimpses of India festival in Shaanxi. The Festival is being organized by the Embassy across China to celebrate the India-China Year of Friendly Exchanges.