Archives Press Release: Ambassador’s meeting with President of Buddhist Association of China, Most Venerable Chuan Yin

Press Release: Ambassador’s meeting with President of Buddhist Association of China, Most Venerable Chuan Yin

Press Release: Ambassador’s meeting with President of Buddhist Association of China, Most Venerable Chuan Yin

Ambassador Ashok K. Kantha met with the President of Buddhist Association of China, Most Venerable Chuan Yin, at the Guangji Temple on 26th May 2014.

Most Venerable Chuan Yin gave an overview of the Buddhist linkages between China and India and explained how Buddhism had formed a bridge connecting the common cultural space between the two countries.

Ambassador Ashok K. Kantha, while recalling his association with the Buddhist Association of China, paid tribute to the role played by Buddhism in fostering civilizational links between India and China. He noted that Buddhist Association of China played an important role in cementing people to people links between the two countries. Ambassador requested for the Association’s involvement in activities organized by the Embassy under the Glimpses of India Festival, including exhibitions of Buddhist arts and artefacts. Ambassador also briefed Most Venerable Chuan Yin about the progress in the Nalanda University as well as the Encyclopedia of India-China Cultural Contacts projects that were currently underway.

Most Venerable Chuan Yin responded positively to suggestions for greater involvement of Buddhist Association of China in promoting closer cultural cooperation.

May 26, 2014