Archives Press Release: Ambassador’s meeting with State Councillor Mr. Yang Jiechi

Press Release: Ambassador’s meeting with State Councillor Mr. Yang Jiechi

Press Release: Ambassador’s meeting with State Councillor Mr. Yang Jiechi

1. Ambassador of India, Ashok K. Kantha, called on State Councillor, Mr. Yang Jiechi, on 27th May 2014 at Zhongnanhai.

2. During the meeting, State Councillor Yang Jiechi requested Ambassador to convey the felicitations of the Chinese leadership to the new Indian government led by Prime Minister Narendra Modi. He underlined the readiness of the Chinese government to work closely with the Indian government to enhance the strategic and cooperative partnership and take it to a higher level. Ambassador. Kantha assured State Councillor Yang that the Indian side fully shared the desire to strengthen the strategic partnership.

3. State Councillor and Ambassador exchanged views on further development of the bilateral relationship including through high level visits and contacts, later this year.

May 27, 2014