Archives Visit to Beijing Children's Welfare Institute (BCWI) by Smt. Salma Ansari on 29th June 2014

Visit to Beijing Children's Welfare Institute (BCWI) by Smt. Salma Ansari on 29th June 2014

Visit to Beijing Children's Welfare Institute (BCWI) by Smt. Salma Ansari on 29th June 2014

Smt. Salma Ansari who isaccompanying the Hon’bleVice President Shri. M. Hamid Ansari during his official visitto People’s Republic of China, visited the BeijingChildren's Welfare Institute. She was warmly received by Mr. Zhang theDirector of BCWI, who said he that was deeply touched by Smt. Ansari’s keeninterest to visit the children and it demonstrated that love for children knowsno borders. Smt. Ansari noted that deep love was the primary requirement tocare for the children with special physical, mental and social needs. Sheappreciated the care and affection the staff and the institute were able toprovide to the special children and wished them well in all their endeavors.

Smt. Ansari is actively involved ineducation, especially special education for over three decades. She has startedfour schools for underprivileged children in Aligarh and Delhi, India whichcurrently benefit over 2000 children.

BCWI isa social welfare institution in Qinghe, Beijing for orphans and disabledchildren under the Beijing municipal government founded in 1984. BCWI has atotal capacity of 500 beds and current occupancy of 450 children in the agegroup 0-14.