Archives Press Note: MOU for cooperation between LBSNAA and CELAP

Press Note: MOU for cooperation between LBSNAA and CELAP

Press Note: MOU for cooperation between LBSNAA and CELAP

1. The MOU was signed by Ambassador of India to China and Mr. Feng Jun, Executive Vice-President of CELAP.  The MOU envisages exchange of officials, cooperation in developing training programmes, field visits to each other’s countries etc.  Given that both India and China are large developing countries, many of the problems we face are similar, both in terms of nature and scale, such as dealing with pressures of rapid urbanization, urban planning etc.  This MOU would provide a framework for our senior officials to interact regularly with senior CPC cadres, share experiences and learn from each other’s best practices.  Specific programmes of cooperation will be worked out subsequently. 

2.       CELAP is a national institution for training of senior government officials of the Chinese government both at provincial and at Central Government level under Organization Department of Communist Party of China (CPC).  It is one of the three central leadership training schools in China, the other being Central Party School and the National School of Governance, both in Beijing.  CELAP is unique among the three since it is designed primarily to provide training programmes to officials leveraging resources and experiences from Yangtze River Delta region of China which has been taking lead in reform and opening up process in China. 

3.       This MOU adds to our ongoing cooperation with the International Department of the CPC.  We have an existing programme of senior level leadership exchanges since 2004 that has been instrumental in bringing about interface between Party Secretaries of Chinese Provinces with Chief Ministers of Indian States. We have also now agreed to extend these interactions to the next lower level which is Deputy Party Secretary from China and Ministers from various States in India.