Archives Invitation for Make in India Programme

Invitation for Make in India Programme

Invitation for Make in India Programme

"MAKE IN INDIA" An Initiative of the Government of India
1445-1500 hrs Registration
1500 hrs Introductory Remarks
  Special address by Prime Minister Narendra Modi
(via webcast)
1545 hrs Discussion*

1. Lead Remarks by H.E. Mr Ashok K. Kantha, Ambassador of India (10 min)
2. Brief Presentation on Investment Opportunities in India (10 min)
3. Discussion


1. President Xi Jinping’s Visit to India - Post-Visit Economic Agenda
2. India as an emerging investment destination
3. How can Chinese Companies participate in industrial corridors in India?
1645-1700 hrs Summing up & way forward by Ambassador Ashok K. Kantha

* Tea and refreshments will be served