Archives Press Release: Ambassador Ashok K. Kantha meets with Chongqing Party Secretary Sun Zhengcai

Press Release: Ambassador Ashok K. Kantha meets with Chongqing Party Secretary Sun Zhengcai

Press Release: Ambassador Ashok K. Kantha meets with Chongqing Party Secretary Sun Zhengcai

Ambassador Ashok K. Kantha met with Mr. Sun Zhengcai, Secretary of Chongqing CPC Committee and Member of the 18th CPC Central Committee Politburo at Chongqing on 14th November. They reviewed existing exchanges between India and Chongqing and discussed measures to further expand mutual cooperation in trade and investment, culture and tourism,and people-to-people exchanges.

Ambassador noted Chongqing's dynamic development as an economic and transportation hub of Southwest China. He invited companies from the region to invest in India including in upcoming Chinese industrial parks . Ambassador had earlier in the day addressed an India Business and Investment Promotion Seminar jointly organized by the Embassy and the Chongqing Municipal Government.

Party Secretary Sun and Ambassador Kantha agreed to hold cultural and tourism events in Chongqing in 2015 as part of the activities to mark the "Visit India Year in China". They also discussed Chongqing's interest in establishing a sister-city relationship with a counterpart city in India.

Ambassador invited Party Secretary Sun Zhengcai to visit India next year. This was Ambassador Kantha's first visit to Chongqing after taking over as India's Ambassador in January his year.

November 15, 2014