
Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched the “Make in India” campaign today in New Delhi that aims to turn India into a global manufacturing hub. The launch in Delhi was attended by leading policy makers and business representatives from the country.

To mark the launch of the campaign in New Delhi, the Embassy of India in Beijing organized a special business event and roundtable discussion on “Investing in India’s Manufacturing Sector” today afternoon. Prime Minister Modi’s speech from the launch event in New Delhi was beamed to participants in Beijing via delayed webcast. Prime Minister Narendra Modi in his address defined FDI as "For Indians FDI is First Develop India...for foreigners, it is an opportunity." He unveiled the “Make in India’ logo which is a striding lion, symbolising manufacturing, strength and national pride.

The business roundtable in Beijing was attended by close to 250 prominent Chinese and foreign government, business and media representatives. Senior officials from the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Commerce of China, China Development Bank, and the National Railway Administration of China attended the event together with leading chambers and business houses, including several that figure in the Fortune 500 List of companies, such as State Grid, Bank of China, Dongfang Electric Corporation, AVIC International, Huawei, TBEA, Fosun, etc.

Ambassador Ashok K. Kantha addressed the participants underscoring the particular resonance of this initiative for Chinese companies based on the natural synergies for fruitful collaboration between Indian and Chinese companies in the twin priorities of infrastructure and manufacturing embedded in this campaign. He highlighted the successful visit of President Xi Jinping to India last week during which both governments laid emphasis on boosting bilateral investment flows and had announced establishment of two Chinese industrial parks in the States of Gujarat and Maharashtra.

Ambassador Kantha said that the global “Make in India” campaign will strongly resonate with Chinese companies. This is not only because of China’s own unique achievements in transforming itself into the “factory of the world” but also because of the immense synergies for fruitful collaboration between Indian and Chinese companies in the twin priorities of infrastructure and manufacturing embedded in this Campaign. He said that Chinese companies are well positioned to partner us in this direction.

Ambassador said that ‘‘development of a robust manufacturing sector is the priority of the Government. It has the potential to not only take economic growth to a higher trajectory, but also to generate employment. The Government is committed to removing all bottlenecks and developing India as a manufacturing hub. This includes further liberalization in the foreign investment regime, launching large-scale projects and initiatives to augment domestic infrastructure and capacity, and simplification of the procedures, rationalization of the existing rules and increased use of information technology to make governance more efficient, effective, simple and user-friendly. The development of industrial corridors and industrial clusters is being advanced through a series of initiatives. A new ‘National Industrial Corridor Development Authority’ is being created to carry out project development activities.’’

Ambassador further added that the launch of the “Make in India” campaign by Prime Minister Modi today signals the redoubling of our efforts to involve our partners from around the globe in India’s development and economic growth by inviting you to set up business and create capacity in India. He informed the participants that they can expect more measures to follow after today in this direction.

Emerging opportunities in the manufacturing sector and India’s industrial corridors were highlighted through a presentation by Counsellor Namgya Khampa. The government is taking up new projects and initiatives in this direction and is committed to removing all bottlenecks for developing India’s manufacturing sector and facilitating foreign investments.

This was followed by a lively interactive discussion during which many participants from government and industry shared their insights and experiences. Many Chinese companies who have already invested in India shared their experiences and put forward suggestions.

A handbook on the “Make in India’ initiative published by Embassy of India, Beijing was disseminated at the event.

In the coming months, the Embassy will organize similar “Make in India” events in other cities of China to familiarize potential investors with the opportunities and the priorities of the government.

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Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched the “Make in India” campaign today in New Delhi that aims to turn India into a global manufacturing hub. The launch in Delhi was attended by leading policy makers and business representatives from the country.

To mark the launch of the campaign in New Delhi, the Embassy of India in Beijing organized a special business event and roundtable discussion on “Investing in India’s Manufacturing Sector” today afternoon. Prime Minister Modi’s speech from the launch event in New Delhi was beamed to participants in Beijing via delayed webcast. Prime Minister Narendra Modi in his address defined FDI as "For Indians FDI is First Develop India...for foreigners, it is an opportunity." He unveiled the “Make in India’ logo which is a striding lion, symbolising manufacturing, strength and national pride.

The business roundtable in Beijing was attended by close to 250 prominent Chinese and foreign government, business and media representatives. Senior officials from the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Commerce of China, China Development Bank, and the National Railway Administration of China attended the event together with leading chambers and business houses, including several that figure in the Fortune 500 List of companies, such as State Grid, Bank of China, Dongfang Electric Corporation, AVIC International, Huawei, TBEA, Fosun, etc.

Ambassador Ashok K. Kantha addressed the participants underscoring the particular resonance of this initiative for Chinese companies based on the natural synergies for fruitful collaboration between Indian and Chinese companies in the twin priorities of infrastructure and manufacturing embedded in this campaign. He highlighted the successful visit of President Xi Jinping to India last week during which both governments laid emphasis on boosting bilateral investment flows and had announced establishment of two Chinese industrial parks in the States of Gujarat and Maharashtra.

Emerging opportunities in the manufacturing sector and India’s industrial corridors were highlighted through a presentation by Counsellor Namgya Khampa. The government is taking up new projects and initiatives in this direction and is committed to removing all bottlenecks for developing India’s manufacturing sector and facilitating foreign investments. This was followed by a lively interactive discussion during which many participants from government and industry shared their insights and experiences. A handbook on the “Make in India’ initiative was also disseminated at the event.

In the coming months, the Embassy will organize similar “Make in India” events in other cities of China to familiarize potential investors with the opportunities and the priorities of the government.

25th September 2014