Archives Ambassadors speech on the occasion of Gandhi Jayanti

Ambassadors speech on the occasion of Gandhi Jayanti

Ambassadors speech on the occasion of Gandhi Jayanti

Mr. Yuan Xikun,Member of CPPCC, Curator Beijing Jintai Art Museum
Ms. RuoHua, Director Jintai Art Museum
Dear children, colleagues,and friends,

Todayis the 145th birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi, Father of our Nation. Todayis also the International Day of Non-Violence, a philosophy that was dear toMahatma Gandhi.

MahatmaGandhi was India’s leader in its freedom struggle, but he was also one of thetallest and most loved leaders in the community of nations. Dedicating his lifefor freedom from colonial bondage and for social and communal harmony, he is inpresent times a guiding beacon for the people of the whole world.

Themessage of tolerance, truth, non-violence, self-reliance and respect of allcommunities that he left with us, all have global permanence; these areprinciples and values that transcend and unite humankind. It is for this reasonthat the United Nations declared October 2nd as International Day ofNon-Violence to commemorate the legacy of Gandhi.

Friends,recently, we had a successful visit by President Xi Jinping to India. One ofthe highlights of the visit was President Xi’s visit, accompanied by PrimeMinister Modi, to the Sabarmati Ashram in Gujarat where Gandhi lived andpractised his philosophy of non-violence. Prime Minister Modi personally explainedto President Xi the significance of the Ashram from where Gandhi propagated hismessage to the world.

AsPresident Xi said in India, Gandhi’s teachings have stood the test of time andpossess eternal relevance. I am certain that the ideals and teachings, whichGandhi so firmly stood for, will continue to be passed on from generation togeneration, and from nation to nation and shall keep us bound together.

Todayis also that occasion where we must renew our commitment to building theideal society he had dreamt of. India is embarking on a new campaign called Swachh Bharat or Clean India Missionwhich aims at tackling pollution, waste management and sanitary issues. AllIndians today would pledge to keep their environment and surroundings hygienicand clean.

I join you all in paying our deepest respectsto Gandhi – the great leader, great philosopher and most of all, a great humanbeing. In conclusion, let me reiterate that Gandhi and his life,which was itself the most powerful message he could give, his ideals, hisprecepts, his methods, are a fount of wisdom, of living truth which willcontinue to enrich us for a very long time to come.

Thank you.