Archives Press release:Ambassadors meeting with Secretary of Shandong CPC Party Committee, Jiang Yikang

Press release:Ambassadors meeting with Secretary of Shandong CPC Party Committee, Jiang Yikang

Press release:Ambassadors meeting with Secretary of Shandong CPC Party Committee, Jiang Yikang

Press release

Ambassador met with Secretary of Shandong CPC Party Committee, Jiang Yikang, at Jinan on 6th November 2014.

Party Secretary Jiang Yikang briefed Ambassador on the existing contacts between Shandong Province and India, and the opportunities for further enhancing cooperation.

They discussed expanding cooperation in the economic, educational, cultural and tourism spheres. In this context, the idea of establishing a sister-province relationship between Shandong and a counterpart state in India was also mentioned. Ambassador invited companies based in Shandong to invest in India, including in industrial parks.

Party Secretary Jiang Yikang also hosted a banquet in honour of Ambassador.

November 6, 2014