Archives Press Release:Seminar:‘India-The Automotive Opportunity’ - Focus on Auto Component Sector at Beijing

Press Release:Seminar:‘India-The Automotive Opportunity’ - Focus on Auto Component Sector at Beijing

Press Release:Seminar:‘India-The Automotive Opportunity’ - Focus on Auto Component Sector at Beijing

Embassy of India, Beijing in association with Auto ComponentsManufacturers Association of India (ACMA) organized a Seminar on India’s Auto Components Sectortiled ‘India-The Automotive Opportunity’ in Beijing on 17th November, 2014.

Ambassador Ashok K. Kantha addressed the participants underscoring the positive business environment in Indiaoffering a compelling rationale for Chinese companies to invest in India. Ambassadorhighlighted the successful visit of President XiJinping to India in September, 2014 during which both governments laid emphasison boosting bilateral investment flows. He also talked about strengths of India’s auto components sector thatpresents an opportunity for Chinese companies to source quality auto componentsfrom India.

A delegation ofaround 20 Indian auto components manufacturers led by Mr Deep Kapuria,Chairman, Globalization, ACMA and Mr Vinnie Mehta, Director General ACMAparticipated in the Seminar and interacted with representatives of Chinese companies.Around 50 representatives from 30 Chinese companies and chambers/associationsattended the Seminar.

A study titled Identifying Export Opportunities forAutomotive Components to China undertaken by ACMA under the Market AccessInitiative of Ministry of Commerce and Industry of India which was unveiled inDelhi in November 2014, was also released during the Seminar.

17th December 2014