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Press Release International Day of Yoga

Press Release International Day of Yoga

Press Release International Day of Yoga

On December 11, 2014, the 193 member UNGA approved by consensus with a record 177 co-sponsoring countries including China a resolution to establish 21st June as "International Day of Yoga". In its resolution, the UNGA recognized that Yoga provides a holistic approach to health and well-being and wider dissemination of information about the benefits of practicing Yoga for the health of the world population.

Embassy of India Beijing and Consulates at Shanghai, Guangzhou and Hong Kong celebrated the First International Day of Yoga today on 21st June, 2015 in China. The International Day of Yoga was celebrated in association with local government bodies and several Yoga Institutes. The event was celebrated in more than 14 cities of China including Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin, Qingdao, Hong Kong, Macau, Guangzhou, Chengdu, Kunming, Xiamen, Wuxi, Hangzhou, Wenzhou and Changzhou.

As many as 16 events took place in Beijing including at Peking University, Geely University, Hot Springs Leisure City and Chaoyang Park.

H.E. Mr. Ashok K. Kantha, Ambassador of India today started the celebrations for International Day of Yoga from the prestigious Peking University, Beijing. Speaking on the opening ceremony, he recalled the joint Yoga-Taiji event at Temple of Heaven witnessed by Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Premier Li Keqiang and the establishment of the first ever Yoga College at Kunming. Ambassador thanked China for supporting the resolution on International Day of Yoga at the United Nations and also for organizing several events to celebrate the First International Day of Yoga. With the growing popularity of Yoga in the country, Ambassador expressed his confidence that China will become second home for Yoga.

Vice-President of Peking University Mr. Li Yansong while addressing the audience said that events like International Day of Yoga improves cultural exchange between Indian and China. Representing UN System the Country Director of UNAIDS Ms. Catherine Sozi said that “Yoga offers a simple, accessible and inclusive means to promote physical and spiritual health and well-being. It promotes respect for one’s fellow human beings and for the planet we share.” Ms Yu Qinfeng the Managing Director of Art of Living (China) said that “Yoga has today become synonymous with relaxation, health & happiness, and a creative mind. The world is embracing it as a skill to enhance the quality of life.”

More than 500 Yoga Practitioners participated in the group Yoga demonstration at the inaugural ceremony which was attended by local government officials, diplomats, members of Indian community, media and academicians. The event was organized in partnership with Art of Living (China) which also conducted day long Yoga Workshops.

At Geely University, Beijing the opening ceremony was attended by the President of University Mr. Lin Yiming along with faculty members and students. The week long celebrations started with a group Yoga demonstration in which more than 1300 students of the University took part.

At Hot Springs Leisure City, Beijing the opening ceremony was attended by the Director General of China Health Care Association Mr. Zhang Fenglou. Around 400 Yoga practitioners participated in the group Yoga demonstration at the opening ceremony. The five day celebration from June 21-25, 2015 is being organized by China Health Care Association and several Yoga Institutes along with the members of the Indian community, which will be attended by more than 700 people.

Yoga teachers from all over the world took part in the celebrations for International Day of Yoga including teachers from Indian Council for Cultural Relations. Overall more than 25,000 Yoga practitioners participated in activities like mass practice of Yoga, Yoga demonstration, lectures on Yoga, screening of movies on Yoga, cultural events and photo exhibitions. The events saw participation from local government officials, diplomats, business delegates, media and academicians.

Several Chinese celebrities including musician Ms. Siqin Gaoli, actors Mr. Wang Baoqiang, Mr. Du Yiheng, and snooker champion Mr. Ding Junhui gave personal video endorsement messages, congratulating on the occasion of International Day of Yoga and inviting people to participate in the event.
