Archives Press Release: Commerce Secretary’s Visit to China

Press Release: Commerce Secretary’s Visit to China

Press Release: Commerce Secretary’s Visit to China 09/18/2015

Press Release: Commerce Secretary’s Visit to China

Ms. Rita Teaotia, Commerce Secretary visited Xi’an and Beijing from 14-17th September, 2015. This was her first visit to China as Commerce Secretary.

In Xi’an, she attended the 14th Economic and Trade Ministers Meeting of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. Eighteen SCO member states, observers and dialogue partners participated in the meeting.

In Beijing, Commerce Secretary held bilateral meeting with Vice Minister Gao Yan, her counterpart in the Ministry of Commerce, to discuss the range of bilateral trade and economic issues of mutual interest. They exchanged views on implementation of the high-level outcomes from Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s visit to China in May 2015 and preparations for the next Joint Economic Group meeting. While in Beijing, Commerce Secretary also held bilateral meetings with Vice Minister of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, and the Chinese quality and quarantine authority, AQSIQ, respectively to discuss bilateral trade and market access issues.

18th September 2015