Archives Press Release: Meeting of H.E. Mr Nalin Surie with Assistant Foreign Minister and visit to CPIFA

Press Release: Meeting of H.E. Mr Nalin Surie with Assistant Foreign Minister and visit to CPIFA

Press Release: Meeting of H.E. Mr Nalin Surie with Assistant Foreign Minister and visit to CPIFA 03/08/2016

Press Release: Meeting of H.E. NalinSurie DG(ICWA) with Mr. Kong Xuanyou, Assistant Foreign Minister and visit toCPIFA on 7-8 March 2016

H E Mr. Nalin Surie, Director Generalof the Indian Council of World Affairs (ICWA) is visiting China for dialogues withChinese People’s Institute of Foreign Affairs (CPIFA) and Shanghai Institutesfor International Studies (SIIS) in Beijing and Shanghai respectively.

He met with Assistant ForeignMinister Kong Xuanyou on 8 March during which both sides agreed that thereexists considerable potential for expanding bilateral ties. They were of theview that with political wisdom, issues in the relationship can also beaddressed.

On 7 March, the ICWA delegationthat also comprised Ambassador Biren Nanda participated in the third ICWA-CPIFAdialogue during which both sides exchanged views on further developingIndia-China bilateral relations, including cooperation in regional affairs,counter-terrorism, economic affairs as well as expanding the spectrum of theengagement by creating constituencies of support.

In the evening of 7 March, H EMr. Yang Wenchang, President of CPIFA hosted a dinner for both Indian andChinese delegations. H E Mr. Vijay Gokhale, Ambassador of India to China wasalso present.

8 March 2016