1. Security has assumed vital significance, the world over.Embassy of India (EoI), Beijing makes constant endeavours to enhance security,as also ensures that unnecessary inconvenience is not caused to visitors to theEmbassy. In view of these twin requirements, certain actions are reiterated inthe succeeding paragraphs with respect to security concerning entry of visitorsinside EoI. These instructions will come into force with effect from 01 June 2016.

Requirement of Identity Documents to Enter Embassy of India, Beijing

2. All visitors to Embassy of India, Beijing need to establishgenuineness of their identity at the Gate No 2 of EoI. In this regard, the u/mdocuments will be produced by all visitors at Gate No 2, EoI for scrutiny bysecurity assistants on duty:-

(a) Indian Nationals. Need to produce one validdocument to establish genuineness of identity. The document can be one of theu/m:-

(i) Valid Passport and VISA.
(ii) Other valid Govt of India proof of identity eg, PAN Card/Aadhar Card/ Driving License etc.

(b) ChineseNationals.

(i) Valid Passport and / or Chinese Govt Identity Card (in case the visit is concerning VISA, then Chinese GovtIdentity Card will be required)

(c) Other Foreign Nationals.

(i) Valid Passport and VISA.
(ii) Ministry of Foreign Affairs, China issued Identity Card(if issued to the individual) / residence permit (Documents other than passport will be required, if the visitor needs tocarry the passport inside EoI to the VISA/Consular section for VISA issue).

Procedure for Entryinto Embassy of India, Beijing

3. Depositionof Identification Document at Gate No 2. At theGate No 2 of EoI, identification document (as elucidated above), will be keptin locker boxes located inside the Guard & Inspection Room adjacent to theGate No 2 of EoI. The key of locker shall be in possession of the guestvisiting EoI for the duration of his/her stay in the EoI. On exit, the visitor can collect theidentification document, and return the key of the locker to the securityofficial on duty.

4. Entryof Vehicles in EoI. In normal course, no vehiclesof guests will enter the EoI premises due to limited availability of parkingspace. Visitors are therefore advised to make arrangements for parking, outsidethe EoI. On prior intimation, vehicles of Ambassadors & DCMs of foreignmissions, other senior diplomats and senior officials/personalities of Chinawill be allowed entry, after the vehicle undergoes security checks, through theGate No 2 of EoI. These guests are advised to deposit their mobile phones andany other electronic devices with the personal staff of the officer of EoI theyare meeting with, for the duration of their stay in the Embassy. The personalstaff of EoI officers shall make adequate arrangements in this regard

5. Carriageof Mobile Phones. All visitors to EoI, Beijing will deposittheir mobile phones (along with their identification document) in the lockerboxes located inside the Guard and Inspection Room (with the exception of thoseguests whose vehicles are allowed entry into the EoI premises). The key of thelocker shall be in possession of the guest visiting EoI for the duration ofhis/her stay in the EoI.

6. Issueof Visitors Pass. Subsequent to deposition of the visitor’s‘identification document’, the security assistant on duty at Gate No 2 shallissue the visitor with an EoI ‘Visitors Pass’. The card will be prominentlydisplayed by all visitors during the period of their stay in EoI, Beijingpremises. The card will be returned tothe security official at the Gate No 2, while exiting the EoI, Beijing.