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State Visit of Hon'ble President-Excerpts of Xinhua Interview

State Visit of Hon'ble President-Excerpts of Xinhua Interview 05/19/2016

State Visit of Hon’ble President ofIndia Excerpts of Interview to Xinhua News

Indianpresident looks forward to stronger developmental partnership with China

Indian President Pranab Mukherjee has expressed hopethat his forthcoming state visit to China would push forward a strongerdevelopmental partnership with China.

In an interview with Delhi-based Chinese journalistson the eve of his trip to China, Mukherjee said he expects to exchange views onall aspects of India-China ties with the leadership of China.

"I will also share our ideas on how both sidescan anchor our ties in a people-centric partnership. I firmly believe that itis essential for the peoples of both countries to walk together on the worldstate in order to make this century truly Asian Century," Mukherjee toldXinhua correspondents here.

Mukherjee will kick off a four-day state visit toChina on May 24 at the invitation of his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping.

He said as China is one of the most important partnersof India, New Delhi accords high priority to the bilateral relations and is committed to intensifying engagement with Beijing.

"We wish to have a strong partnership with Chinabased on mutual trust and friendship, and sensitivity to each other's concerns,interests and aspirations," he said.

The president said that in the past decades, Indiaand China have witnessed "unprecedented expansion and diversification ofbilateral relationship".

"Our Closer Development Partnership isbroad-based and covers the political, security, economic, educational andcultural fields. Both countries have established a range of mechanisms in allareas of cooperation," he said.

He said the sharing of relevant developmentalexperiences is an important aspect of ties between the two countries, whichhave also regularly exchanged views on regional, global and multilateral issuesof mutual interest.

"I am confident that my visit will add furtherdepth to our partnership and open new opportunities for cooperation in a widernumber of fields," he said.

On the cooperation between two countries in financialand economic development, Mukherjee said India's role and partnership in theprocess of bringing into existence the New Development Bank and the AsianInfrastructure Investment Bank displays its "commitment in strengtheningthe global financial architecture to foster enhanced regional cooperation,sustain growth, promote economic and social development in the region".

On the boundary issue, the president said India seeksa "fair, reasonable and mutually acceptable settlement of thequestion."

"Pending the boundary settlement, we seek tomaintain peace and tranquility in the border areas. Both sides should strive toensure that the outstanding issues are addressed in a manner that demonstratesmutual sensitivity to each other's concerns, interests and aspiration," hesaid.

"Only in this manner can we ensure that thesedifferences will not come in the way of continuing development of bilateralrelations. We should enhance our mutual trust and understanding through steppedup dialogue on political security and strategic issues," he added.

Mukherjee said that culture is the bedrock on whichthe historical relations between India and China have flourished and itspromotion will nourish people-to-people friendship between the two sides.

"Our shared civilizational past and our commonAsian identity was the basis for both countries to develop together and live infriendship in pursuit to make the 21st century an Asian Century," he said.

On China's "One Belt and One Road"initiative, Mukherjee said building connectivity is an important aspect ofIndia's development, and connectivity can benefit the people and impart a freshmomentum to regional development.

"A better connected Asia requires that allconcerned countries consult together on determining the best way forward. Suchcooperation should be governed by commonly agreed international norms andpractices and should reflect the interests of all concerned parties," hesaid.

Source: externalicon