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State Visit of Hon'ble President-Excerpts of CCTV News Interview

State Visit of Hon'ble President-Excerpts of CCTV News Interview 05/20/2016

State Visit of Hon’ble President of India Excerpts of Interview to CCTV News

Indian President Pranab Mukherjee will pay a statevisit to China starting next Tuesday, at the invitation of President XiJinping. This will be Mukherjee’s first state visit to China since takingoffice in 2012. And the Indian president says he is very positive aboutChina-India relations.

“First of all, I would say that we have verycomprehensive relationship with People’s Republic of China,” Mukherjee said.

“And we consider it is a very important relationshipfor us. And the state visit has its own significance as it provides anopportunity to the leaders to share their views, explore the possibilities ofexpanding cooperation between the countries’ concern and also they exchangetheir views, on individual, global and multilateral issues.

“My visit to China would be my first visit to thatgreat country as the president of the Republic of India. Though earlier, manypresidents have visited China, including my immediate predecessor Mrs. PratibhaPatil—she also visited China.

“But China has its own importance; our relationshipbetween China and India, as an invention comprehensive, it covers all aspects:political, security, economic, educational and cultural.

“I had the privilege of receiving his ExcellencyPresident Xi Jinping when he visited last in 2014 and hosted a banquet for him,he extended an invitation to me, to the prime minister and I am glad to havethis opportunity to respond to his invitation, because it is our efforts tointensify our relationship.”

CCTV has interviewed Indian President PranabMukherjee ahead of his state visit to China next week. Mukherjee says he highlyvalues the comprehensive relations between the two countries. He also talkedabout expanding cooperation with China on fighting terrorism.

"I would say that we have very comprehensiverelationship with People’s Republic of China. And we consider it is a veryimportant relationship for us. And the state visit has its own significance asit provides an opportunity to the leaders to share their views, explore thepossibilities of expanding cooperation between the countries’ concern and alsothey exchange their views, on individual, global and multilateral issues,"said Pranab Mukherjee.

"India and China both hugecountries---multicultural, multiracial---if they come together in fighting thismenace, I am sure it will have its own impact. And India always believes thatevery country should have a zero tolerance policy towards terrorism and thefight is to be all out."

Source: externalicon