Archives Request for Proposal for “Appointment of Programme Management Consultant for “Redevelopment of Gandhinagar Railway Station"

Request for Proposal for “Appointment of Programme Management Consultant for “Redevelopment of Gandhinagar Railway Station"

Request for Proposal for “Appointment of Programme Management Consultant for “Redevelopment of Gandhinagar Railway Station" 05/26/2017

Indian Railway Station Development Corporation (IRSDC) invites potential bidders to the pre-bid conference on Request for Proposal for “Appointment of Programme Management Consultant for “Redevelopment of Gandhinagar Railway Station along with the Development of 300-room Hotel at the Airspace above the Station and Upgradation of Mahatma Mandir Convention Centre and Helipad Exhibition Grounds at Gandhinagar”.

The details are as follows: PRE-BID CONFERENCE on Request for Proposal (RfP) for “APPOINTMENT OF PROGRAMME MANAGEMENT CONSULTANT FOR “REDEVELOPMENT OF GANDHINAGAR RAILWAY STATION ALONG WITH THE DEVELOPMENT OF 300-ROOM HOTEL AT THE AIRSPACE ABOVE THE STATION AND UPGRADATION OF MAHATMA MANDIR CONVENTION CENTRE AND HELIPAD EXHIBITION GROUNDS AT GANDHINAGAR” Last Days for receiving queries on the Pre-bid Conference 26 May 2017 Pre-Bid Conference 29 May 2017 at 11:00 Hrs. Venue Conference Hall, Mahatma Mandir Convention Centre Sector 13 C Gandhinagar, Gujarat-382017 Bid Due Date (BDD): June 12, 2017

*Only those Bidders who have purchased the RFP Document shall be allowed to participate in the Pre-Bid Conference. A maximum of two representatives of each Bidder shall be allowed to participate on production of an authority letter from the Bidder.

Indian Railway Stations Development Corporation Ltd. (“IRSDC”), is inviting Bids comprising of the Technical Proposals and Financial Proposals. IRSDC shall be responsible for planning, designing and execution and operation of the Project.

A Joint Venture Company (“the Authority”), Gandhinagar Railway & Urban Development Corporation Limited (GARUD), has been incorporated by and between Government of Gujarat (GoG) and Ministry of Railways/IRSDC. The Authority has decided to undertake the Re-Development of Gandhinagar Railway Station along with the Development of 300 Rooms Hotel Building (at the airspace above railway track/platforms) Station at Gandhinagar, Gujarat. The Authority will operate and manage the Railway Station, Hotel, and adjoining existing facilities of the International Convention Center (Mahatma Mandir) and Exhibition Center (Helipad Exhibition Grounds).

The Authority has decided to execute the Project through Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) mode. Accordingly, the EPC Contract has been awarded. The scope of EPC Contract includes Re-development of the Railway Station and Development of the 300-room five-star hotel building. However, the EPC Contract does not cover design, construction and commissioning of Hotel Furnishing, Finishing and Equipment (‘F&FE’.) F&FE works will be procured through separate Contract(s).

Description of the Project, including the existing situation and basic details of the Project components, is provided as a part of the Request for Proposal (VOLUME I, II and III).

The Authority has undertaken the development Programme which includes re-development of Railway Station and Hotel (EPC Contract), Design, Construction, and Commissioning of F&FE for the five-star hotel, and some upgradation and improvements to the existing Mahatma Mandir and Helipad Exhibition Grounds.

IRSDC having been mandated to oversee management of the Programme on behalf of the Authority, invites Bids for selection of a Programme Management Consultant (the “PMC”) to assist the Authority in management of construction and commissioning of the Programme. Scope of services to be provided by the PMC shall be as specified in Section 6 and other requirements as specified in this RFP, (collectively the “Consultancy”) for execution of the Programme.

The RfP (Volume I, II and III) may be downloaded, free of cost, by visiting the IRSDC Tender Wizard and going to the “Tender Free View” (second from right on the top navigation panel) section at