What`s New Remarks by Deputy Chief of Mission, Mr. Acquino Vimal at the Inaugural Phase II of India-China Joint Training of Afghan Diplomats; 19 Nov 2018, Beijing

Remarks by Deputy Chief of Mission, Mr. Acquino Vimal at the Inaugural Phase II of India-China Joint Training of Afghan Diplomats; 19 Nov 2018, Beijing

Embassy of India
Remarks by Deputy Chief of Mission at the inaugural event for training of Afghan diplomats at China Foreign Affairs University (CFAU) as part of joint programme with China.

Mr. Wang Fan, Vice President of CFAU, Beijing.

Mr. Mardan Ali Qasemi, (Charge d’ Affaires, Embassy of Afghanistan in Beijing)

Ms. Hou Yanqi (DDG, Department of Asian Affairs, MFA)

Distinguished Guests,

Thank you so much for inviting me for the opening ceremony of the second phase of training programme of Afghan diplomats in Beijing as part of the joint project by India and China.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

2. India is firmly committed in Afghanistan’s efforts to emerge as a united, peaceful, secure, stable, inclusive and economically vibrant nation. India and Afghanistan are close neighbours as well as strategic and development partners. All the efforts of India as development partner of Afghanistan has been based on the priorities set by Government and the people of Afghanistan. This has been our fundamental basis for any development partnership.

3.Government of India in the last 17 years has committed a grant of US$3 billion for the development of Afghanistan. These are particularly in the areas of building infrastructure, development of human resources, enhancing connectivity and promoting trade and investment links. Most of these major development projects have been completed over the years.

4. Since 2017, the next generation of new development partnership has been launched with the Government of Afghanistan through high impact community development projects in all the provinces of Afghanistan. I am happy to inform that through our scholarship and training programme, more than 3500 Afghan diplomats are being trained in India every year.

Ladies and gentlemen

5. I am glad to be part of the inaugural event of phase two of this training programme. As you are aware, Phase-I of this training programme was done in India from October 15-26, 2018. Afghan diplomats were give comprehensive training on various facets of diplomacy including the tools of diplomacy and evolving global issues. I am sure the Afghan diplomats would have benefitted from the 1st phase of the training programme.

6. We look forward to the successful holding of the 2nd phase of this programme.

7. We are hopeful that in the months to come we will be able to identify more specific projects which can be jointly done by Government of India and Government of China for the benefit of Afghanistan as desired by the government and people of Afghanistan.

8. I would like to thank China Foreign Affairs University for holding this programme and wish all Afghan diplomats the very best for their future.
