What`s New Press Release: Invest in India: Exploring Investment Opportunities in the State of Madhya Pradesh

Press Release: Invest in India: Exploring Investment Opportunities in the State of Madhya Pradesh

Embassy of India
Press Release

Invest in India: Exploring Investment Opportunities in the State of Madhya Pradesh

1.  Continuing its efforts to attract Chinese investments for the Indian manufacturing sector, the Embassy of India with support from the Hubei Provincial FAO and Hubei Provincial Government organised an investment promotion seminar in Wuhan on 19 October 2018. The seminar was organised as part of the Forum on Global Production Capacity and Economic Cooperation, organised by the Hubei Provincial government. The seminar was attended by around 200 delegates from more than 120 Chinese companies, mostly from automobile, auto-parts, equipment manufacturing, textiles etc. based in Hubei province as well as media personnel and government officials. An official delegation from state of Madhya Pradesh, consisting of Mr Pankaj Agarwal, Principal Secretaries, Department of Micro Small and Medium Enterprises, Mr Vivek Porwal, Managing Director, Madhya Pradesh Trade and Investment Facilitation Corporation Ltd (MPTRIFAC) attended the seminar and made presentation on investment opportunities in the state.

2. Delivering the welcome remarks, Dr Acquino Vimal, Deputy Chief of Mission, Embassy of India in Beijing conveyed that following the Informal Summit, Wuhan spirit and Wuhan consensus has become a new tag line of our bilateral relationship. He informed that the Embassy is working with Hubei province to harness the potential for greater trade and investment ties, for greater people-to-people exchanges, for greater tourism flows and for greater cultural exchanges between India and Hubei province.

3. Mr. Zhou Xufeng,Vice-President of Hubei Federation of Commerce and Industry mentioned that the relation between India and Hubei is as old as Yangtze River and the Hubei industries should avail business opportunities offered by India.

4. While delivering the keynote address, Mr. Pankaj Agarwal mentioned that Madhya Pradesh and Hubei both are centrally located provinces and has many complementarities for mutual cooperation. He conveyed that state is looking for investment in automobile, auto components, textiles, equipment manufacturing sectors and offers great opportunities for the Hubei industries looking for going abroad. Mr Vivek Porwal, MD of MPTRIFAC, highlighted investment climate, incentives and policy framework in the state and invited investors community to participate in the Global Investors’ Summit, to be held in February 2019 in the state.

5. Representative from Invest India made presentation highlighting overall FDI policy of Government of India, recent policy reforms and ease of doing business measures undertaken by the Government of India to create enabling environment for business community. Representative from Link Legal Corporation; an overview regulatory and legal framework in India.The seminar concluded with a Question and Answer Session.

6. The delegation paid visits to Yangtze Motor Group and J.S. Corrugating Machinery Co. Ltd. And had meeting with senior officials of Dongfeng Automobile company to explore cooperation possibilities in automobile and machinery manufacturing sectors of Madhya Pradesh and Hubei Province.

20 October, 2018
