Announcements First Joint Working Group Meeting On Education Between India And China

First Joint Working Group Meeting On Education Between India And China

Embassy of India
Press release
First Joint Working Group meeting on Education between India and China

The first Joint Working Group meeting on Education between India and China was held on October 16, 2019 in Beijing. The Indian side was led by Mr. Madan Mohan, Additional Director General (ICC), Ministry of Human Resource Development of India and the Chinese side was led by Mr. Fang Jun, Deputy Director General, Department of International Cooperation and Exchanges, Ministry of Education of China.

Both sides discussed various aspects of respective educational systems as well as explored areas of cooperation. Discussion was also held on exploring the possibility of signing an agreement on mutual recognition of qualifications as well as promoting greater student exchange. Indian site also made presentation on Scheme for Promotion of Academic and Research Collaboration (SPARC), Global Initiative of Academic Networks (GIAN), Study Webs of Active Learning for Young Aspiring Minds (SWAYAM) and Study in India programme.

Both sides agreed to undertake activities such as school students exchanges, organise seminar on education in China and other collaborative activities as part of the celebrations of the 70th Anniversary of establishment of diplomatic relations between India and China.

They also recognized that educational exchanges are important component of people to people exchange between the two countries and welcomed greater mobility of students to study in each other’s countries and facilitate greater faculty exchanges.

The delegation had also visited the China’s Open University on October 15, 2019. They Interacted with Mr. Yang Xiaotang, Vice President of The Open University China and explored opportunities of mutual cooperation with the Indian open university system.

The next meeting of the Joint Working Group will be held in India next year at a mutually convenient time.

October 16,2019
